
佳美之处团契主要由居住在Irmo、Lexington等地区的数个家庭和个人组成。大部分家庭都有孩子在不同阶段的学校学习,从小学,初中, 高中直到大学的都有。我们常常为孩子们守望,让他们在各自成长期间有神的真理光照,慈爱环绕。团契的查经聚会星期五晚上的七点半(7:30 PM)开始。 疫情前,团契轮流在各个家庭中或在教会聚会,团契经常举行各种户外活动,大人和孩子分别有不同的体育活动,也会不定期的轮流在各个家庭举行聚餐团契。疫情后暂时改在网上进行。我们的目标是在主内互相鼓励,互相扶持,用生命影响生命,共同走天路。我们诚挚邀请其他弟兄姐妹及慕道朋友加入我们。

Pleasant Places Fellowship is made up of several families and individuals mainly living in the Irmo and Lexington areas. Most of the families have children in various stages of schooling, from elementary, middle, high school to college. We often watch and pray for these children so that they will be guided by God’s truth and surrounded by His love as they grow up. The Fellowship’s Bible study meeting starts at 7:30 PM on Fridays. Before the pandemic, the Fellowship met in homes or at church on a rotating basis. The Fellowship often held various outdoor activities, with sports activities for adults and children, as well as occasional potluck fellowships in homes on a rotating basis. After the pandemic, we have temporarily switched to online. Our goal is to encourage and support each other in the Lord, to impact lives with lives, and to walk the pilgrim of heaven together. We sincerely invite brothers and sisters and friends to join us.